Monday, April 27, 2009

The weekend(weakened?) story...

Yet another weekend just went past in a blitz - Not entirely a worthless one though..
I had a stye in my right eye which existed for long that people hardly ask about it :)So, on Saturday, I suddenly decided to get rid of that lump(thought it wud help me shed some weight!).Then I went to the hospital and the nurse put some antibiotic drops a couple of times...Finally, the Doc enters the room like the Pope comes out to the balcony in Vatican. It was amusing to see the nurse's expression when he was working on my eye with blade and tweezers!! Few minutes later, I was the soldier in Valkyrie movie - right eye closed shut with bandage.
I picked my helmet and an old woman had an unbelievable look on face and she comments - "He is driving bike with one eye!! What a freak!!" I could hardly contain my laughter... One thing I love doing stuff people call stupid/crazy. Single-eyed bike riding was one of those I guess :) I did well except at one point when I totally couldn't make out a speed breaker. Well, the 3-D sense was impacted and reflex sluggish with one eye disabled.
It's always better off in having those body parts in pair, in tact ;)

I also happened to pick my guitar after long time and did some rigorous practice. The pain in the fingers felt so dear and comforting that I was happy happy.. For the time being I am day dreaming seeing myself as an expert guitarist!!

Me and an old friend engaged in a SMS chat and somehow the topic wandered to date(guy-gal date). She mentioned about the boy's age being/should be less than the girl's. It's always puzzled me that why age is such an overwhelming factor in relations. Suppose, the boy is older than the girl, does it mean that he's better positioned than her in any way? Well, I disagree. A person's age need not have any implication on the superiority of emotional or intellectual height( nor physical height :)). Why, do you think any couple would bother themselves with talking about age everyday? Isn't it the sheer genuine liking for your soul mate, also called "frequency match", that decides the fate of a relation? Beauty is surely skin deep but we cannot deny that it's the initial attraction. A few years later that layer just erodes and there are only photos to show up the past "glory"... It all makes me think age is just one of those mental blockades that can ruin the most beautiful happening of a lifetime....
What you say pal?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's recession.. but I guess I am still happy..

Everyday I wake up, I am not sure what lurks in the office.. Insecurity - be it in job or love, I think, disturbs life immensely.
The first time I felt this was when I had two campus offers in my hand but both didn't give the joining dates. It's a long time since and now when I look back, can't believe how edgy I was..
Had read something which said there's no need to fear anything at all - for most of those things we feared in the past never realized. When I was a kid, I flunked in so many tests that I wondered if I will ever get into a college!! Once in college, used to think how badly I had screwed my life by choosing a plain, vanilla bachelor's degree while my friends ran for fancy doctor n engineering courses. Then, miraculously, I fell for MCA and gosh- completed it too..
Makes me believe there's a master mind up there who made a jigsaw puzzle out of my life n now it seems how well the pieces fell into their places neatly.. (not sure if I flicked a few pieces :))
So, am I happy now? I guess yes.. Because
1. Happy to have got good education when I see so many children toiling hard for
bread everyday..
2. Happy to have got both good dad n mom, together :)
3. At 24, I am employed..
4. This is my favorite - I have learnt to save. Till a few months back, I just knew
spending but never saved a penny(read 'paisa' in case you r extremely patriotic).
Now, I have saved a neat figure and it gives such pleasure to have some money.
It's so easy to save once we start doing it. You should give it a try too..
5. Health is wealth - even a good drench in the hardest of rains wont give
me a cold. Aint that good?
6. Got my body in neat shape ( though stupidity is written all over my face )
7. Friends who make me laugh irrespective of the situation..
8. Lesson learnt from failed relation..
9. Still have not completely lost the ability to enjoy subtle joys of life..

Not knowing future is such a good thing.. It keeps me guessing my next turn in life..
That's one thing which ensures hope in life..
So.... What makes you happy?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

my first blog line ..

The only constant thing is Change...

Well, i hit upon this truth at 5:00 AM in the morning at office :)