Monday, August 24, 2009

Ahem Ahem.. Clarification...

I seem to have given a very depressed and dejected image of mine in the last blog...
Many friends stopped by and asked if I am ok.. :D
One gal even asked if i am gonna write something once she gets married in coming Dec..
So just thought of making it clear that all the scenes occured in a matter of 2 days( and no more than that!! )
Rest assured - I am blissfully damned with office work...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Missing pages of life - May to June

Wish you happy ganesh chaturthi.

It's been a while since I could write anything at all. Quite a lot of things
occured in these three months. A few good times and few other just forgettable ones.

June - My one time companion got married. To my surprise, she called me up and invited too :) I was not sure how my presence would be seen by the fellows who knew us. However, that situation never realized, thanks to a change of shift of work time, I could not attend. I thought that this wouldn't be a hard news to chew for me.
Hell no, it's amazing how old relations though broken tend to retain a few strings undiscovered. There was a kind of hollowness for a couple of days after that. Never could I find the reason for that feeling and didn't have the courage to unearth buried history. I just wish her very best and I would remember many occasions spent together...

July - Seems to be the season of all my pals (especially gals) getting married!!!
This time it was one old friend from my previous work place. I had to go to Trichur, alone. But how right I was - I had a fantastic time attending a Catholic wedding for the first time, mix with people whose language I could barely manage and saw some scenic beauties...
Catholic wedding is a very winzipped one. The couple stand, stand and stand for one and half long hours, while the priest reads out the 'something'. Then the groom and bride hold hands, kiss the holy book and finally get blessings from the elders.
Now comes the best part - lunch :D A vegetarian I am, fortunately it was arranged. Also found a lot of Oracle guys from the groom's side and all our policies were thoroughly discussed..
After wishing the couple, I went to this famous temple of Guruvayur.. I believe in praying whenever, wherever I feel like rather than visit temples. All that crowd, jostling,stink of body odor and the ultra business minded processes make me sick.
But I had to see this place to check out the fame it stands for.. Hmmm yeah, temple is magnificent, agreed.
Next day, I started to a waterfalls called Athirapally falls. You can find a bus easily from the Shaktan Tamburan bus stand. It's about 60 Km drive from Trichur...
Buses are badly conditioned and the journey of 3 hrs makes one exhausted. This is when I adored BMTC buses of Bangalore - why do we fail to appreciate things/people in life that are near to us, so often?
I reached the place at 13:20 and Wow!!! - the place is so beautiful.. I took a couple of long distance shots, took a 15 bucks pass and started the walk towards the base of the falls. To add to the glamor, it started drizzling and I forgot the whole damned bus drive.
At the base, you actually can see the fog caused by the roaring water falling down.
Taking photographs is too difficult, for the fog just clouds the camera shutter..
I made some quick pals over there and got couple of shots of mine with the falls in the background ....

But ah yes, in the end, all that remained in my mind is that one more gal(sorry, it' two) got married :P